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Monday, December 31, 2012

Fiscal Cliff, Wall Street and the World

Regardless of your opinion about Wall Street, but as America slides down the financial graph curve towards the Fiscal Cliff, and before we drop off into an economic crevasse and hit the monetary Debt Ceiling on the way down, the Wall Street types will collectively fart and wet their pants, and the rest of the world will feel a blast of a tsunami wind. Talk about the "Butterfly Effect", America’s economic prowess and "representative?" government!

Sunday, December 16, 2012

Newtown School Violence

“When one tugs at a single thing in nature, he finds it attached to the rest of the world.” -- John Muir.

Last Friday, December 14th, 2012, our hearts all felt a tremendous jolt and our attentions were all pulled to Newtown, Connecticut. We all felt a searing pain caused by a tear in the social fabric that connects us all together, a gaping hole caused by the violent passing of 20 innocent children and their school guardians.

Also gone are our sense of security, our taken-for-granted freedom to go freely where we want to go, such as schools, malls, movies and places of worship. Let us stand up and shout to demand our government to come together as soon as possible to mend and strengthen the very thread that holds our social fabric together, our fundamental freedom for assembly and from fear, before it is rendered asunder. Time is of the essence, as a saying goes: “A stitch in time saves nine.” Or 26!? Or even 27!?

Sunday, December 9, 2012

Entitlement Programs

Entitlement Programs

Hey, you politicians of both stripes (some should wear those zebra stripes as their uniforms), republican and democrat all, listen up. Stay away from the Entitlement Programs. We, the people, those not of the top 2 % on the economic scale, are entitled to them. We have that right. We’ve earned it! We earned it by contributing to these programs through our mandatory payroll deductions.

These three programs are the spunks that keep the medically indigents and middle class senior citizens going with their minimal subsistence income. The rich and most politicians don't need Social Security and Medicare because their financial futures are handsomely secure. The rich get their entitlements from secretive bank accounts scurried away in some offshore banks. And politicians can live off on non-disclosed campaign funds from super PACs stuffed in their refrigerators’ freezer compartments. This goes to show these guys don’t know a first thing about liquid assets. No wonder our economy is in such a deep freeze and sliding down a slippery permafrost slope to the fiscal cliff into a financial crevasse.

Some venture capitalists, aka corporate raiders, live off on corporate welfare through government subsidies and bailouts, leaving the taxpayers holding the bag. Consider Bain Capital, headed by one Mitt Romney and his investors. When Bain Capital was acquiring Steel Dynamics, Mitt Romney and his partners was able to take in $37 million in taxpayer subsidies. Then later, Bain Capital gained majority control of an Armco steel mill in Kansas City, Missouri. They renamed it GS Technologies, GST. There they cut corners, skimmed profits and finally wrung the company dry. The company went under, costing a loss of 750 jobs. When it was discovered that GST had underfunded its pension plan by $44 million, the federal agency who oversaw and guaranteed pension plans had to step in to pick up the tab, sticking it again to the taxpayers. This is just an example tip of the proverbial iceberg. How did Bain Capital get away with hauls of cash through taxpayers’ sweat and toil? One can look no further than Capitol Hill. There is gold in them thar Hill, where crocks of taxpayer gold are hoarded and doled out by political leprechauns who sit on powerful senate or congressional committees and caucuses.

The CEOs draw off their discretionary funds for their recreations with their favorite politicos on some indiscretionary procreation activities from facade corporations in tax haven countries and by creative accounting. If you learn your stuff well from Economy 101 about liquid assets, you can easily spot these discretionary corporation accounts, listed under the main category Liability, subcategory Expenses, Discretionary Funds, Lobby, and then Procreation. Oops, I meant Recreation. For these guys, recreation means procreation with lobby interns. The pro- part of the procreation process they like it well enough, but the post- part is a little messy and hushed up and swept under the discretionary fund carpet. This underground economy operates and flies under the radar of the IRS and FBI, here the money behaves by the laws of quantum mechanics. They pop in and out of those politicians’ pockets without leaving a trace, and more elusive than those elementary quarks. The minute you notice them and poof, they are gone, leaving behind nothing more than a Cheshire Cat’s grin on those screw-the-taxpayer politicians’ fat faces. This is the quintessential Washington DC Barter System: Money, and Sex, and Political Favors, Oh My! Suddenly, You get to thinking why you, the taxpayers, are not in Kansas City, Kansas anymore, and how the heck you end up in Kansas City, Missouri!? Now, this is something they don’t teach you in Econ 101.

Some would complain that the Entitlement Program is getting too big and we will go the way of the Greeks. This country is not like Greece. The United States is seventy four times the size of Greece. Our economy and financial system is backed up by our huge natural resources, our relatively political stability, tons of gold in them thar Fort Knox, not to mention we have more geeks than all the Greeks in Greece. And the geeks will lead them economist types and see us through this financial quagmire, if only them political types would listen. Our country alone in the whole world can print all the money we need and still have people queuing up to buy US Treasury bonds; and if you haven’t notice, the US dollar is the de facto international tender for exchange and trade. Of course, we need to cut the deficit, but not at the expense of the middle class and their retirement future.

Social security would be financially sound (and still is) had it not been for certain previous administrations and Congress siphoning off funds to support their own unwarranted wars and pork barrel projects. Trim wastes, frauds and abuses from the Entitlement Programs, yes! Eliminate COL increase, reduce benefits, no! United States have always been known as a nation of generous people. We dish out millions in aids annually to developing countries the world over, why can’t we do the same for our own citizens at home. Remember and take heed of an old but sage injunction: charity first begins at home!

To those politicians who act as proxies for those super rich, super PACs and corporate heads to undermine the current Entitlement Programs, I give this fair admonition. To quote the man who warned off a TSA Official who was over-enthusiastic in frisking him: "Don't touch my junks!", I'm paraphrasing here to warn you two-timed politicians: "Don't touch our spunks or they will rise to the occasion to screw you royally, bourgeois-wise AND proletarianly comes next erection! Uh… election!" Now, you don't want to mess with the working class stiffs!

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

More Tax for the Super Rich!

Hey you super rich people, corporations and your crony politicians! You are what you are in part because this country provides the environment and political stability that enable you to freely pursue whatever your hearts desire, which in this case is unimaginable wealth. In order to do this, this country needs a strong government to protect that freedom and an effective infrastructure system to enable sound commerce, to move your goodies to markets and your fat buttocks around in Lexuses and Mercedes Benzes. You would not want to hit some bad pot-holes on your ride, bouncing your fat tummies and suet to give you acid refluxes or driving off the looming fiscal cliff ahead with all the goodies you try to sell, would you?

In addition, you need well-trained staff and support personnel to do all the grunt works so you can do your sun-tan on one of those Caribbean islands with vacation expenses paid for by bank accounts you stashed away at the Cayman Islands. Who is paying for all these maintenance and upgrades that our country sorely needs? All of us! All we are asking is you pay a fair share and that will go a long way to improve our infrastructure, more affordable education system, an efficient government free of fiscal deficits. With affordable higher education, more people will have a chance to move up to the middle class and a chance at the American dream you are having. A strong, healthy middle class population will then be able to spend more money to buy whatever goodies you are selling.

So be more patriotic and don’t fight against a little tax increase with your finely manicured toes and nails. It is so unseemly as unbefitting citizens of the upper class with broken finger nails. If you keep listening to that self-declared presidential election decider, Karl Rove, he of the Fox News reality-denier and super PAC mass-mailer fame and his partner in crime, Grover Norquist, you will soon find yourself hearing from another Karl, the ghost of the impoverished working class past, Karl Marx and his comrade in arms, Friedrich Engels. Think about this: a poor majority populace will make a Marie Antoinette of you all! Comprenez-vous?