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Wednesday, November 14, 2012

More Tax for the Super Rich!

Hey you super rich people, corporations and your crony politicians! You are what you are in part because this country provides the environment and political stability that enable you to freely pursue whatever your hearts desire, which in this case is unimaginable wealth. In order to do this, this country needs a strong government to protect that freedom and an effective infrastructure system to enable sound commerce, to move your goodies to markets and your fat buttocks around in Lexuses and Mercedes Benzes. You would not want to hit some bad pot-holes on your ride, bouncing your fat tummies and suet to give you acid refluxes or driving off the looming fiscal cliff ahead with all the goodies you try to sell, would you?

In addition, you need well-trained staff and support personnel to do all the grunt works so you can do your sun-tan on one of those Caribbean islands with vacation expenses paid for by bank accounts you stashed away at the Cayman Islands. Who is paying for all these maintenance and upgrades that our country sorely needs? All of us! All we are asking is you pay a fair share and that will go a long way to improve our infrastructure, more affordable education system, an efficient government free of fiscal deficits. With affordable higher education, more people will have a chance to move up to the middle class and a chance at the American dream you are having. A strong, healthy middle class population will then be able to spend more money to buy whatever goodies you are selling.

So be more patriotic and don’t fight against a little tax increase with your finely manicured toes and nails. It is so unseemly as unbefitting citizens of the upper class with broken finger nails. If you keep listening to that self-declared presidential election decider, Karl Rove, he of the Fox News reality-denier and super PAC mass-mailer fame and his partner in crime, Grover Norquist, you will soon find yourself hearing from another Karl, the ghost of the impoverished working class past, Karl Marx and his comrade in arms, Friedrich Engels. Think about this: a poor majority populace will make a Marie Antoinette of you all! Comprenez-vous?