Tuesday, August 16, 2016
Donald Trump’s Extreme Vetting
Donald Trump recently proposed extreme vetting for new immigrants coming into this country. Now I know how Donald Trump's hairs stay put and compliant. It's all about extreme vetting, uh . . . extreme wetting, with his loyal-sized, uh . . . royal-sized tub of hair gel.
You can visualize Donald promoting one of his TV commercials, hawking the Trump brand line of products. "You need to keep vetting those hairs extremely, on a daily basis of course, to bend them to your will!" intones Donald Trump. "This thing is huge, folks!" as Trump holds up a super-sized tub of hair gel in his under-sized hands, "Trust me. It works so well you wouldn't believe it." We believe you, Donald, that piece of work on you is glaringly obvious! But Donald Trump the salesman drones on, without missing a beat or getting a clue: “Apply it every day, even better, every hour on the hour. Keep vetting!"
Uh . . . Donald, that's wetting, not vetting! Is that a Freudian slip, as the renowned good Herr Doktor used to wet, uh . . . vet his patients so extremely on his famous couch? Well, Donald, inquiring minds vanna know. Or like Adolf Hitler and his attack dogs, the SS and the Gestapo, used to vet and then wet any political oppositions and those millions of innocent Jewish people very extremely in Nazi Germany's concentration camps? Nazi-Deutsch hier gesprochen, Donald? Some devious and depraved souls in your support groups also vanna know. But Donald, if you continue to publicly pursue your current train of thoughts, I can foresee a train wreck on your presidential run so huge you wouldn’t believe it. Trust me! Also, if you think you can hang on to the minds and souls of your core supporters and still be able to pull a non-Freudian slip from under the rest of the intelligent voting public? Think again!
In fact, this all harks back to Donald Trump's German root, where his grandfather, Friedrich, pulled a draft-dodger sleight of hand to avoid being conscripted into the Kaiser's army in pre-war Germany. He skedaddled to America and changed his family name from Drumpf to Trump, although some claimed the name has been changed long before that, in the seventeenth century. Like his grandson, Donald, after him, Friedrich was also into hospitality business, some kind of “casino” and/or "hotel" (according to some sources), with couple of card tables at the back room of a hausfrau’s hausbräu restaurant, and some side rooms furnished with “sporting ladies” of easy virtues and values, for short stays. Not the kind of ladies you, being of polite and genteel society, would like to spend any wetting time with, for sure. Uh . . . would you? For sure? Or any vetting time with, for that matter. But just the kind of women some men of some lonely-hearts band (who often play their own flute alone) and testosterone-supercharged males want to spend much wetting time with on the cheap. But vetting time? Not so much.
Well, thanks to those extremely unvetting immigrant officials who granted your grandfather, Friedrich, his dubious ‘citizenship’, we end up with you, Donald, on the GOP presidential ticket. The question to the GOP voters now is, have you subjected Donald to extreme wetting, uh . . . vetting before you voted him as your party’s presidential candidate, to represent the party’s values and virtues, easy or otherwise? That is huge, America, it is double jeopardies due to lack of extreme vetting! Hopefully, these two were the only extreme vetting, uh . . . vexing exceptions and examples rather than the norm.
Just what are the republican values, exactly? I think it is more about economic values than Christian values. According to a report released on August 18th, 2016 from the Congressional Budget Office, the top 10% of wealthy families in the U. S. held 76% of total wealth. Never has there been so much owned by so few owes to so many, I say. That is the result of de-regulations and after effects of Trickledown Economy, both are ongoing legacy of Ronald Reagan. The rich are benefited by the laws and regulations enacted by the politicians in Congress, especially the ones with the GOP stripes, at the expense of the vanishing Middle Class.
On moral issues based on Christian values, the Republican candidate is coming up short, at least on the marriage bed. Donald Trump is thrice married, what happens to the time-honored Christian vow “till death do us part” part? He had long known as a playboy with fast cars and even faster women, previous owner of Miss Universe and Miss USA pageants, before he became a playa in fast politics, with ever-shifting advocacy pandering and policy flip-flops. His past and/or present wetting waywardness, I am sure, in some form or another, has all been covered up, like any good politicians worth his cash, by hush money from his own discretionary funds. Hillary Rodham Clinton, on the other hand, was a model of an ever suffering wife throughout Bill Clinton’s years of affairs of the hards, uh . . . heart, culminating in the Monica Lewinsky affair crisis. Despite Bill’s extreme wetting behaviors, her devotion to their marriage was unquestionable, her motive was for the common good, but her long-suffering was inimitable. That is a kind of forgiving woman only a very few men that are lucky enough to have married. To err is human, to forgive is divine, as they say. If Hillary was a Catholic, she would be on a short list for canonization, her name would be forever enshrined and venerated in the pantheon of spousal saints of long-suffering wives.
Lately Donald Trump seemed to have moderated his campaign tones, but the man has already shown his true colors. His recent reconciliation overtones are cosmetic, within the man harbors a major deep character flaw which occasionally rears its ugly head in unguarded moments, or when he strayed off the teleprompter scripts. Speaking of head, we can draw a parallel here. His character flaw is just like a barren patch of real estate on the top of his head, which he tries in vain to cover up with redirected strands of hair and gel (think media spin doctors and PR men). But occasionally a gust of wind (think unguarded moments, Freudian slips) announces its glaring presence, with scintillations of racism, misogyny and white nationalism reflected upon it. This is not the “shining city on the hill” Reagan moments some old-guard republicans want the rest of America to see or remember. Instead, what you see is Donald painting his vision of a “blighted, flickering-lit city on the barren hill” America along his campaign trail. That gives people a lot of hope when this country needs it the most at this turbulent time, Donald.
His new, toned-down campaign strategy is just mere vain effort to rearrange a few strands of his hair. But a few redirected strands do not a new hairdo or image make. A leopard will not change its spots, nor a tiger its stripes! Will a carnivore ever become a vegan? Most unlikely! A vegan needs a green, good solid thumb to make things grow. Donald Trump is sorely short on that part. His bald pate is a testimony to that fact. He has shown himself as a man lacking hugely in empathy and compassion, a self-centered, boorish, boastful, egoistic narcissist. What frightens most people is that this potential leader of the free world, is a certifiable ignoramus who is lacking in far-sight visions, thoughtful insights and intellectual discourse, advice-resistant, with not an ounce of sensitivity in his body except on his extra thin skin, with little fingers on the triggers of a huge nuclear arsenal the world has ever amassed.
If Donald loses this election, he'll be a pariah in this country and down will also go all of Trump brand products and his business. In time even his most ardent supporters will desert him, looking for some other "Great New Fuhrer" to pick up their causes. In politics, losing is the name of a harsh, judgmental and unforgiving mistress, she will lose you and check out as soon as your last check is cleared. Hopefully, comes November, this is exactly what the voters will do and tell Donald Trump to go and wet himself!
After this self-inflicted public humiliation, this poor big little rich man would most likely emigrate, uh . . . skedaddle back to his German ancestral homeland and would so craves his anonymity so as to change his last name back to Drumpf again. Hopefully, Germany would not have such stringent immigration vetting process in place, what would happen to the last remnants of Donald’s hairs after such extreme wetting, uh . . . vetting. Ah, poetic justice, like a boomerang, is best served full circle!
Now you know the rest of the story. Let's rally behind John Oliver's call to "Make Donald Dumb Again!" Uh . . . actually it was to "Make Donald Drumpf Again!" We are just splitting hair here, aren’t we?
#DonaldTrump #ExtremeVetting #MakeDonaldDrumpfAgain #ImmigrantsVetting
P.S. I’ve been writing and saving most of blogs, and intend to put them on one of the books I’m working on. But the outbursts from Trump are so extreme I have to put this one and the one before this out here.
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