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Saturday, December 3, 2016

Oh Kellyanne . . . ! How could you . . . ?

Donald Trump's Hot-air blower and spinmeister, Kellyanne Conway, always manages to wear her trademark smile and/or smirk openly on her Armani sleeves (Crossdressing, perhaps? Well, she sure got balls, as some would attest!). Her seemingly knowing, and some say sneering, smiles were often, and still are, extreme irritation and annoyance to those who hear her defending the indefensible Donald Trump. Her deft deflections of media’s questionings into Trump’s tweets from his midnight toilet duties and pronouncements on the campaign trails only detracted the media into probing into Trump’s other more serious shenanigans and even potential impeachable offenses. Such as his sexual escapees, some were non-consensual, his business misadventures, shady dealings, conflicts of interests and his unfit temperament for the highest office of this land. And the media and the public all fell for them. And the joker won the thorny crown.

Now that the campaign is over, how can she, in good conscience, still be able to work for an accused sexual predator, liar and soon-to-be U.S. president, Donald Trump? Yet she is still able to keep up with her effervescent, bubbly personality. This leaves us wondering. Too much gas, perhaps!? Who knows? It could be that she might also be a closet lover of all Hombre snooking, uh . . . cooking and a secret aficionado of anything Mexicano! Shh . . . , now that you know, just don't tell her boss!

And her perpetual, etched-in sunshiny smile? Too much Botox!? Or maybe that is simply just her best effort as a close imitation of a much older, already discarded version of a wound-up, now factory-rejected Barbie Doll toy! Purely mechanical. Soulless. Devoid of any normal human emotions.

Oh, Kellyanne Conway! What an appropriate last name, although you have also appropriated that name, Conway, from your husband! How could you . . . Conway? But you did con your way into hearts and minds of millions of American voters and turned Donald Trump’s improbable candidacy into an impossible presidency to govern a strongly divided country! Now we have a new wild card in the presidential suits of American so far imperfectly perfect politics, an Emperor Joker Trump, First of that name, moving into the alt-white palace, uh . . . White House. Now the newly vetted, uh . . . wetted, uh, vested emperor is in his new suit, parading in front of his most loyal subjects, in victory tours, across the still shell-shocked, dumbfound nation, wearing nothing to be proud of save his thorny crown!

#KellyanneConway #Election2016 #DonaldTrump