News flash:
On July 3rd, 2018, Scott Dworkin, Co-founder of “The Democratic Coalition” and the #DworkinReport, tweeted: “Trump is planning on meeting with Putin without aides before their summit. This makes it a lot easier for them to collude even more for the 2018 election. Republicans cannot hold on to the House and the Senate without Russia’s help. And they all know it. Bunch of damn traitors.”

So Trump is to meet up with Putin mano a mano, up close and personal, without a third party to interfere with their flagrante delicto.
Holy Jiminy Cricket! That means that lying sprouting-nose Pinocchio Trump is now answering the summon of his maker & puppeteer Putin, who will formally turn him into his real boy toy. There goes my celebration of #IndependenceDay2018.
Remember our nation's #independence was won out of our #Resistance to foreign influence & control. Hopefully, this November the #BlueWave2018 and #ImpeachTrump will be cause for our real celebration of #IndependenceDay2018. #Resist!!!
#TrumpPutinSummit #Pinocchio #JiminyCricket #HelsinkiSummit