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Sunday, September 13, 2015

A Political Jingle Satire on the 2016 GOP Campaign for the White House

The Middle Class once drove this great country,
Then came de-regulations, free for all
With Reagan’s Trickle-Down Economy,
And down went Piggy Bank in the Great Fall.

Is this a country now just for the rich,
A country that’ll just ignore its poor?
A country caters only to the wishes
Of powerful moguls’ rule on its shore?

The emperor shows off his apparent clothes,
Donald Trump sports a crouching weasel hairs;
Between the two proud gaggles of them, both
Strut with empty, self-delusional airs.

Carson plays up to anti-Muslim hate,
Carly failed as an one-time C.E.O.,
Christie get squeezed and stuck at the “Tollgate”,
“Still wet behind the ears” marks one Rubio.

Scott Walker wants to undo the unions,
Ted Cruz tries to displace democracy,
All are subterfuge as fat cats’ minions,
Sowing the weed-seeds of plutocracy.

“Jeb!” slyly "disowns" his family name,
Glib Donald serves up ethnic, gender fears.
It’s an old kingmaker-billionaires’ game: -
Charades played out with shed crocodile tears.

They all claim to fight for the downtrodden,
They all want to level the playing field;
In truth, GOPs are all beholden
To Wall Street and the Top Ten Percent Guild!

Can we count on the collective wisdom
Of voters to their vile, sinister ploys,
And refuse them their plutocratic fiefdom,
And refute their floods of false-truth ad deploys?

#2016GOPCandidates #CitizensUnited #SuperPAC #DarkMoney #DonaldTrump #JebBush #Jeb!2016 #TopOnePercent #TopTenPercent #CampaignFundingReform #TansparentDonorContribution #WallStreetReform #CorporateTaxReform #ImmigrationReform #TedCruz #ScottWalker #plutocracy #BenCarson #CarlyFiorina #ChrisChristie #MarcoRubio #2008EconomicCrisis #2008FinancialMeltdown #Sub-PrimeLoans #FinancialInstitutionsCollapse #ReaganTrickleDownEconomics #VoodooEconomics #ReaganTaxCutForTheRich