Although both belong to the trickle-down school of economics, their similarity ends there, Trump and Reagan can be any more different. Reagan was a staunch anti-communist, anti-Soviet Russian hegemony crusader. Trump is a Putin-Russian hegemony colluding stooge.
Trump famously called on the Soviet leader, while giving a speech near the now defunct Berlin Wall: "Mr. Gorbachev, tear down this wall!" Trump foolhardily continues to call for a U.S.-Mexican Border Wall. A wall to rival the Great Wall of China, if not in strength but in length, Mr. Trump? This serves little purpose but gives our enemies and detractors a pretext and rallying cry: "Uncle Sam, tear down this wall!" It's outright unneighborly, in this case, a good fence doesn't make good neighbors to our south.
Reagan was held captive by an arcane policy of supply-side economics and the Iran-Contra scandal. Trump is allegedly held hostage by Putin Russian complicity in our 2016 presidential election and a pee-pee tape showing a hooker giving Trump a “golden shower” in a St. Petersburg hotel. If proven true, this is not a kind of "show and tell" you want your kids to do in their history class but in the trash heap of our national saga or for the future Trump Presidential Library, if there is going to be one. Because Trump is known to detest reading and books, the only type of properties, the intellectual kind, he manages to fail bigly to develop any, if at all. But it is a fitting legacy to the Trump presidency, whose 2016 candidacy was never fully vetted for the voting public, but now, ironically, only to be fully vetted, uh . . . wetted by a working girl in a Russian hotel. What a tale to tell in dallying, imbibed and imbued company!
Reagan, although twice married, was a faithful husband to Nancy, a model of modesty. Trump, thrice married, is a cavorting husband of playmate and porn-star to his current trophy wife, Melania, a former model of nudity. So much for Republican family values and Christian right righteousness.
Reagan was a real actor who stayed in character of a U.S. president and followed the script to the crossing of every T, steadfast and solid. Trump was just a mere third rate reality TV star, who stays in character of an apprentice in the White House, but often strays off scripts, or makes up scripts of falsehood or unreality to a stream of pee. Feeble and exposed.
Despite Trump's personality faults, moral defects and intellectual flaws, some GOP (and some people, victims of Reaganomics) still support him because he is an extremely rare breed of demagogue who was able to grab the rein of power at our nation's highest office and whom they can call one of their own: by the “Koch brothers-Carl Icahn” oligarchs, the "Last Great White Hope" white supremacists, the “religion, social class and gender” bigots, the "America über alles" ultra-nationalists, and the “pro-land development, pro off-shore oil-drilling, climate change denying and anti-conservation” conservatives.
#DonaldTrump #RonaldReagan #BerlinWall #USBorderWall #MexicoBorderWall #TricleDownEconomics #2016Election