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Thursday, August 27, 2020

Republican National Convention Donald Trump’s Acceptance Speech

My Take on the RNC2020 Donald Trump's Acceptance Speech 

I wonder any of you have seen all four episodes of the 2020 Republican National Convention? 

As for myself, I watched the first episode out of curiosity, the second one towards the end to hear what Melania have to say about her wayward husband. 

I skipped the third one entirely because Mike Pence’s sanctimonious preaching, hovered over constantly by his mother wife Karen, the Karen of all Karens, often bores me to sleep. 

For the last and the least, I wanted to see how the circus barker Donald Trump juggled all those pandemic, economic and sociopathic hot irons he himself manufactured out of thin air, a virtuoso performance of and by itself.  He never disappointed. 

His speech was preceded those by a parade of men and women drunk with Trump’s brand of kool-aids spiked with hundred-percent-proof Russian vodka, especially one concocted up by his besotted Ivanka.  All suffered end-stage symptoms of Fake Patriot Disease, a performance issue where they could only raise their flags at half-staff; their Second Amendment infatuation and their gun-wielding urges were left half-cocked. It’s just not a good feeling, they would say, if you ask them. 


Here is my take on the RNC 2020 Donald Trump’s Acceptance Speech in a poem: 

Time for the grand finale to hit the fan, 
In came the orange man in orange tan. 

Up waddled this fake man with pompous airs, 
And  heart seething with spawns from viper lairs. 

Jittery, fidgety flashed his tiny hands, 
Off teleprompts he took to his own stands: -

An arson’s creed to set the world on flame,

And glib conjuring of blame-shifting game. 

‘Tis a circus show none ever could live down: 
A court jester’s mad grab for monarch crown. 

His spews of garbage met with up-rolled eyes, 
The day Donald Trump won the igNoble Prize. 


My commentary on the RNC2020 Donald Trump's acceptance speech continues below: 

All in all, it was a four-ring circus where lots of spins, juggling, contortions, magic tricks, elephant parade, the disappearing acts and the escape-clause artists, trying their best to distract and deflect the viewing public from all those past transgressions that were Donald Trump’s and to razzle-dazzle their base. 

What is more, tried as they might, all those lion and tiger trainers, engaging in confusion, distractions, evasion, and all the tricks of their trade in their guild books, failed to tame the inner animal demons that have already escaped long ago from Donald Trump’s dark lair of a heart and still continue now to wreak havocs far and wide. 

In other words, the circus barker’s orchestrated, discordant concert of blame-shifting, deflection, avoidance, omission, questionable cures and various mind hacks have only reinforced the impression of Trump as an aging, blow-hard snake-oil salesman now exposed to the world. 

His first term has been a complete disaster. His dystopian vision of America in his 2016 inaugural speech has come to full fruition, beyond his own expectations. His indolence, neglect and dereliction of presidential duties endanger our national interests and security. 

His persistent insolence towards our rules of law and his outright violations of our Constitution threatens our democracy and the credibility of our public institutions. His Twitter-happy fingers and their proximity to the nuclear button often send the world and his senior officials into tipsy, topsy-turvy world of frantic frenzies and bewilderment. 

His words now strain credibility and the office of the president a laughingstock of the world community. His rule by proxies, cronyism, unqualified personnel and attack dogs create a government ungovernable and in complete chaos and unable to handle and manage incessant crises that often come our way. One glaring example is the pandemic that ravish our social fabric and render our economy, social well-being and health care system asunder. 

His mauling packs of attack dogs of white nationalists, supremacists, militia groups, racists and misogynists, fanned by and emboldened by the vitriol of some conservative TV and radio talk show personalities and conspiracy theorists, personally sanctioned by the president of the United States. They take to the streets and parade publicly in full military garbs and with military-grade automatic attack weapons. These “very fine people” deemed by Donald Trump, is the modern day version of the Ku Klux Klan and could be the brown-shirt stormtroopers of his future regime. Here’s the Trumpian dystopian future in a snapshot. 

The re-election of Donald Trump as president of these United States must not succeed. His second term not only would corral us down a dangerous path of environmental disasters, authoritarian rule, the obliteration of our Founders’ dreams, and the loss of our American way of life as we once knew it. 

It would also usher in the world a dark era of strongman rule and eventually would result in a world dominion of autocracy. The only major democracies in the world like Germany, United Kingdom and France would not be militarily strong and united enough to resist the territorial ambitions and militaristic adventures of countries like Putin’s Russia. 

The first country to feel Putin’s grab for territory conquests would be Ukraine, followed by Belarus, and then Kazakhstan, and Georgia, countries with heavy ethnic Russian population or strategic importance. His success would encourage other countries with similar ambition to subject the world to their horrific doctrine of what I would call the New World Colonialism. 

For dictators could not function in isolation, they need alike company to reinforce each other’s positions and to justify their strenuous hold on the people they enslaved. That we must not allow to see the light of day. So go out and vote Trump out of office and hopefully into an institutionalized facility. For our sake and the sake of our children and their children’s children and the world, please exercise your right and vote early!!!

#DonaldTrumpsAcceptanceSpeech #RepublicanNationalConvention2020 #RNC2020 #AcceptanceSpeech #TrumpSpeech

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