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Monday, January 2, 2023

Donald Trump’s Wild Ride


Donald Trump’s Wild Ride

Time for the grand finale to hit the fan,

In came the orange man in orange tan.


Up waddled this fraud man with pompous air,

And mind seething with spawns from viper’s lair.


Jittery, fidgety flashed his tiny hands,

Off teleprompts he took to his own stands.


An arson’s creed to set the states aflame,

And glib conjuring of blame-shifting game.


His spews of garbage met with up-rolled eyes,

The day Donald Trump won his “Noble Prize.”


Onto his crowd his grievances unloaded,

Garbled speech from an old garrulous toad.


To the Capitol rushed this zealot lot,

To blindly meted out his dictator plot.


Proud Boys, cabals, Oath Keepers, treason, riots,

Man-boys, blind faith, law breakers, fake Patriots.


‘Tis a power play none ever could live down:

A court jester’s mad grab for monarch crown.


Will to the slammer slam this toad’s wild ride,

With none the wiser, save his injured pride.


Note: Here I appropriated my own poem written sometime ago about Donald Trump’s 2020 GOP National Convention speech. Now I dressed it up in different clothing garb and set it on another stage to become this incarnation.






#RNC2020 #AcceptanceSpeech